Friday, March 30, 2012

Beginner's Bible Study-Session 6

Beginner’s Bible Study Blog-Session six
Major Prophets and Minor Prophets
            The last 17 books of the Old Testament are divided into two categories:
Major Prophets:  These men served in a role as prophets near the time of the collapse of both the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern Kingdom of Judah.  They typically were in positions of authority with the rulers of the day.  Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, & Daniel
Minor Prophets: The Minor Prophets were men who also prophesied in these last years as the northern and southern kingdoms began to collapse. The important difference was that unlike the major prophets who were prophets for many years, the minor prophets typically came forward for a very short period of time. Their message was either repent, doom, or God has left the building and it won’t be pretty now that he’s gone!  After they prophesied God’s message they then went back to their former occupations.  Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
What both the major and minor prophets had in common was an intimate relationship with God and a deep understanding of what pleased and displeased God.  The predictions they made were part of God’s wider purpose in the world-either to warn the people, giving them time to change and avoid coming disasters, or to give people hope for the future after the bad things had happened.
This short quiz will get you thinking about 5 of the prophets: I=Isaiah, J=Jeremiah, E=Ezekiel, A=Amos, D=Daniel.  Please select one of the prophets for each sentence.  (Answers on the bottom of 2nd page)
  1. ____A priest and from a family of priests
  2. ____We know virtually nothing about this prophet’s close relationships
  3. ____God told him he couldn’t marry or have children
  4. ____Young, handsome, and intelligent
  5. ____Actually saw God.
  6. ____Declared that a valley of dry bones would come back to life.
  7. ____Saw more visions than said prophecies.
  8. ____Prophesied to the cows of Bashan
  9. ____Married to a prophetess
  10. ____Had three friends:  Hananiah, Mishael, & Azariah
  11. ____Imprisoned in a muddy pit
  12. ____A shepherd
  13. ____Made it a habit to act out his prophecies
  14. ____Announced, “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given
  15. ____Declared that one day God would make new and better agreement (covenant)
Clues to help you answer some of the above!
 Daniel 1:4     Jeremiah 31:31           Amos 1:1         Jeremiah 18:22           Ezekiel 37:1-10           Jeremiah 28:5                 Amos 4:1                   Isaiah 8:3         Daniel 1:4        Jeremiah 16:1
           The people the prophets prophesied against were not following God.  They were worshipping other gods, serving themselves, and ignoring their neighbors.  If one of these prophets was alive today and wandered into a town such as Leechburg or Gilpin Twp or Allegheny Twp., what would he/she have to say about how people are living here? 

           What would he or she challenge people to do?

           What do you think the  town or the township would do with him or her?

           Each of the prophets spoke a detailed message to a specific group of people. Sometimes there was a hidden message for the prophet himself.   Read the four chapters of the book of Jonah to see this being lived out.
           A lot of people think that books of prophesy are talking about the end of the world, good and evil, dragons, beasts, and famines.   Most of the major and minor prophets were speaking to people and situations in their own time.  Many of these prophecies spoke to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  As you read these think about them in a different way.  Try to see them as God’s understanding of what was going on in the prophets’ day.
           At the end of each session we are asking you to turn to a passage of scripture and read and reflect on four questions:
1.    What do I think this passage means for those who read it the first time?
2.    What does this passage mean for me right now?
3.    What are you going to do or how are you going to act differently in the future as a result of what this passage says?
4.    What questions do I have about this passage that I need clarification on?

Now practice being a prophet and take on his role by hearing the message come to life.  Read aloud Isaiah 11:1-9 and the answer the questions above.
Answers to Prophet Quiz on 1st page!
1-E                        2-A      3-J       4-D      5-I        6-E      7-D      8-A      9-I        10-D    11-J     12-A    13-E    14-I      15-J

*The Beginner's Bible Study Blog would like to acknowledge the following sources in creation of this study: Downloading the Bible by Jonathan Brant,  The True Story of the Whole World by Craig G. Bartholomew & Michael Goheen

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